We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Motorcycle Posse

When you have 2 families who have 5 kids and dirt bikes for everyone... it makes for some fun camping and quite a motorcycle posse!  There were trails all around the campground for us to explore.  And since our camping area ended up being an extension of the Hiawatha trail, we rode motorcycles through tunnels and over bridges. This is the lazy Man's way to ride the Hiawatha Trail!!  The riding was fun, but it definitely made Laura nervous - the big kids rode a lot faster and often zoomed up ahead - and since we shared the roads with cars- Laura was scared for blind corners.  Amazingly we only had 2 small "incidents"  The first was Detric got left behind by the "fast" posse and was lost on the mountain road until Laura and Clay the "slow" posse caught up to him... luckily he had the sense to just stop and wait for someone.  Poor kid was scared as he was all alone on this mountain road.  Shesh.  Then secondly, poor CJ was rounding a blind corner on his motorcycle when a lady in a truck took the turn too fast at the same time - CJ whirled his motorcycle out of the way so he didn't get hit, and ended up laying the bike over, got a little scratched up and was shaken up a bit by the whole thing.  The "nice" lady, yelled out her window, "Hey, you need to watch out around those corners"  and zoomed off.  Are you freaking kidding me lady?  You just about hit my kid, he laid over his bike, you don't even bother to make sure he is ok and you zoom off.  GOODNESS.  We were just glad CJ was ok.  We were proud of him for his quick reflexes and ability to navigate himself out of the situation and avoid getting hit. 

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