We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

NYC LDS Temple

For our last activity in New York, we decided to navigate ourselves to the temple.  We took the subway, followed the directions, and were puzzled when it said we had arrived and we didn't see the temple anywhere....we looked up and down each of the connecting streets... what??  Low and behold...it was right there - we were literally standing right in front of it, but the scaffolding covering the bottom disguised the bldg to look like any other office bldg around and we couldn't see Moroni because of the trees.  We got inside and were able to do an initiatory  session.  The temple worker also let Laura look at the celestial room - which was decorated in  blue and yellow (our wedding colors), had a balcony like Portland, and mirrors everywhere it was stunning.

While Laura was waiting for Clay in the foyer of the temple, the temple worker said that the temple and the connecting church building has several Walter Rane original art work.  So Laura took a stroll through the halls of the building and loved every minute of it.  This was her kind of art museum!!!!  Beautiful artwork filled with meaning, passion, and the spirit - each had a title and a scripture with it.  Such a neat experience to see the originals up close and personal. These pieces of art are huge and magnificent!  She couldn't spend too much time, they had to head back to the hotel and check out and catch the train to DC, but she was glad she got to see them for a few short minutes!!

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