We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

$1500 HOT GLUE shoes

Before we left for dinner Laura suggested we take an umbrella...Clay said Nah...I checked my handy dandy weather app and it says "no rain tonight".  Well, as we finished up dinner and were heading out ... guess what?  POURING down rain...Laura now without her umbrella turned to Clay and said ..so what does your app say now?  "Oh it says it's raining"  Haha.. we had a good laugh about that and luckily Clay had his poncho in the backpack which Laura used - not the cutest thing...but a dry thing!!!   We headed out into the streets of New York, dodging puddles, and  seeking shelter from the rain storm.  We found bobble head Trumps and shoes that were so expensive they would make your head spin.... like $1500 expensive. 

And they looked like something that Preston would have created a few years ago when he was going through his hot glue gun phase...pieces of shoes and random things all smushed together and glued on a shoe.  All those times we scolded Preston about hot gluing things on his scout uniform and other clothes....little did we know he was just a high end clothes designer oh man he could make millions!  

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