We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Welcome to New York

We arrived in New York late Monday night after having snow in Denver...snow in May, oh boy!  But we were able to get de-iced and be on our way without too much of a hiccup.  We thought we would grab an Uber from the airport to our hotel, but when we got to the arrivals area, a nice Indian gentleman said, "Need a cab?"  We asked how much?  He said "65", it was about the same price as an Uber so we got in... as we were driving to the hotel, Clay noticed there was no meter in the "cab", there were no "credentials" posted, no credit card machine...he gave a worried look to Laura as he said "cash only".  Laura started to get nervous as she picked up Clay's nervousness...Oh boy...our first night in New York, who is this driver, is he really going to take us to our hotel, is he going to mug us?  What about our kids?? We knew nothing about the city, it was pouring down rain, and we hoped we are in an honest man's car taking us to our hotel.  Well, luckily we made it to the hotel where our $65 drive turned into $75, but we were just grateful to be alive and at our hotel.  We got out of the car as quickly as possible.  We learned a valuable lesson...make sure you know whose car you are getting into BEFORE you get in and USE an ACTUAL UBER!

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