We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The TODAY Show

Yesterday, as We were walking around New York we thought how cool would it be to take a tour inside a television studio...well they were all booked so we made a last minute decision to wake up early the next morning and try to be in the today show outdoor audience...oh my goodness!!! So much fun!!!  We thought we were pretty hot stuff when we did a shout out to our kids in Spokane!!  We also got a free Book "A Woman is no Man" from Jenna and saw a musical number performed by a broadway group.  When they came out and asked if anyone had a flexible schedule over the next few days and wanted to participate in a trivia game show ..things really got interesting and we definitely ended up getting out desired NBC personal television tour!!!  (see the next post)

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