Our dear friend, Steve Alburty is a New York expert...lived there for several years. So he made a list of MUST EAT in New York for us.... and Joe's Shanghai dumplings were high up on that list. So for lunch, we made our way through China town in search of this goldmine. It was quite a treasure hunt, but We finally found it...where we were escorted to a shared table. As we looked around dumplings seemed to be the common theme with EVERYONE. There were a few people that had other food in ADDITION to the dumplings, but everyone had dumplings!! So we knew we had come to the right place and ordered us a batch of dumplings!!! When they came.... we had no idea how to eat the darn things.... luckily another couple at our table helped us out! They each graciously demonstrated their dumpling eating method (his was different from hers!!) and neither was was very elegant!!! Very sloppy and messy!! The method that seemed to work the best for us was...grab one, bite off the top, suck out the juice, then shove the rest in (and yes it is a mouthfull!!! A BIG BITE!!) but oh so delicious!!! We finished off those dumplings rather quickly- they were amazing!!!! With that nice snack and a huge thank you and shout out to Steve for the delicious referral, we were off and on to our next destination!!! We are going to be soooo tired tonight from all this walking...holy cow. No wonder people in New York are all thin....its a work out to just get here and there (because driving in New York looks awful. No thank you....it is a lot of walking but I would take that any day over trying to navigate a car through the streets of New York.
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