We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pikes Market

There were no flying fish today, but we found an amazing Russian Bakery.  

Oh my goodness, I think they were pumping delicious smells out the exhaust into the street lulling people in... and it worked.  There was a huge line, but it was sooo worth the wait!!!  Right after we were done getting our treats, we got word that the airplane boys were done and coming to get us.... Laura had a brilliant idea...rather than have Clay navigate down the streets of downtown Seattle to pick us up...we would walk away from the touristy area of the waterfront and find a more quiet area.  As we were walking...a homeless man started yelling at CJ.  "Why are you living with your mother?  You should start your own college?  It's time for you to be on your own"  And he kept yelling at poor CJ for a few blocks.  Finally, Laura just turned around, stared him in the eyes and point blank told the man, "That's enough".  He kept yelling things as they walked away but he didn't follow them anymore.  They quickly went to the next block and called Clay to tell him where they were...and low and behold a whole street of homeless people everywhere...feeling instantly vulnerable and unsafe...Laura told Clay...change of plans.... we are going back to the touristy waterfront...pick us up by the huge farris wheel.  So we started walking in that direction..didn't look too far... HAHA, that was an understatement.  It really wasn't that far...but there was like a bazillion stairs between us and the farris wheel...and Erica had fallen asleep in the stroller... So, Laura got to carry the stroller with a sleeping Erica down TONS of stairs...talk about a work out!!!  Feel the burn.  But luckily when we got to the bottom of the stairs there was her knight in shining armor with a white minivan ready to pick them up!!!    

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