We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Happy Bday Preston

It was the traditional breakfast in bed...and Preston wanted wheat Rollos, raspberries, bacon and sprite.  Sprite for breakfast??  Well, that's not the traditional juice or milk choice... Mom had a hard time saying yes to that, but in the end she said, "I guess only on your birthday!!" (Erica was pleased with his beverage choice and kept trying to steal a swig every now and again but continually would get caught red handed!!)  Today, Preston turned 12, but with the new church policy on receiving the priesthood in January, Preston has already been ordained and passing the sacrament for 3 months now.  He does a great job passing with reverence and care. We Love You Preston and the great young man you are becoming!!


Preston knew exactly what birthday cake he wanted this year... Costco's GIANT chocolate 4 layered cake!!  And he wanted it to say "BIG Preston" on it in blue writing....now this kid knows what he likes.   Well, the request was easy enough to fill, so Laura was grateful she got it right!!!  Preston was very particular that no one helped blow out the candles on the cake (must have had a really important wish on his mind)...with hands out wide Preston made sure the path was clear and no one was sneaking in any extra puffs of air on those candles or spit on his precious cake!!

Preston had high hopes of getting a hoverboard (for the past 3 years he’s refused to buy one, convinced that he was going to get one for Christmas, or his birthday), but was again disappointed...no hoverboard.   But he was happy with receiving a new bike, MP3 player, and a baseball glove. He also got a helmet with a Bluetooth connection that plays music.

Preston does not like birthday attention... no singing to him at restaurants, no gifts at school, don't even wish him a happy birthday in public...no!!!  So for his birthday, he wanted to have some friends over - but no one could know it was his birthday, so we  pretty much had the entire deacons quorum  over on the 12th to "hang out". Laura made it super fun for them by setting up a bunch of ‘Minute to Win it’ games, snacks, treats, and then we put on a movie (Sully) to end the night.

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