We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Runway Ride

Runway Ride not to be confused with run - a- way ride!  Clay told Laura "We are meeting as a group.  Going to ride down the runway and then go for a ride through Spokane.  We thought it would be a fun way to get together"  "Hm..Ok..sounds innocent enough..." Laura thought.  Well, Laura decided to tag along to take pictures...because...well, it's Laura - got to have pictures!

After Laura said goodbye to Clay at the motorcycle meeting area, Laura went to wait where she could have the best view of the runway... hoping to get a good shot with her camera.  While she was waiting a few other spouses show up too.  Then some emergency vehicles go out to the edge of the runway...hmm.  Laura makes a comment..."Interesting, emergency vehicles...is that their escort?"  One of the spouses responds with, "Oh no...I'm sure that is just in case someone gets hurt."  Laura thinks to herself that's kinda an odd comment...hurt, really?  A group of guys and gals slowly riding down the runway..ok - whatever.  But then the spouse continues talking...   "I wonder how fast some of those guys are going to go?" she must have picked up on Laura's obvious confusion... because she then said, "you know they are going one at a time down the runway - so they can max out the speed on their bikes and see how fast they can go, right?"  "Ha- NO!" My husband conveniently left out that detail.  How nice!  Well, that definitely puts a new twist on the situation...doesn't he know I already have enough grey hairs as it is...  shesh. Nice little Saturday ride with the guys my butt... how about:  a high speed thrill ride down the runway maxing out the speed of our motorcycles - yeah that sounds more accurate!  Oh Clayboy...   At this point the motorcyclists were all lined up at the runway - too late to do anything now about it - just pray, I guess.   So Laura  said a silent prayer for her husband and watched as bike after bike zoomed down the runway at top speeds.  From her position it was hard to figure out which motorcycle was Clay, but she is pretty sure she got a picture of him as he let his "hair down" and put the throttle into high gear.   Clay had a blast racing down the runway with Black Bart!  Now that he is safe and sound...Laura will beat him with a motorcycle glove when he gets home for not telling her the whole story about the "Leisurely Saturday Ride." 

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