We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Not so Handy Dandy Tent

And in the end, the weather was pretty good...we had a few sprinkles here and there but we just took shelter in the trailer, played cards and waited out the rain.. a lot better than what was forecasted back home - constant rain.  All was going fine - we were riding motorcycles, camping, eating good food, and staying dry....until the very last night!!!  Right as it was getting dark, a storm rolled in.... That's ok, we have had a great day, so we will just head into the tent and play us some aggravation as a family by the light of the lantern.  

Well, as soon as we got in the tent and the campsite secure, the rain started falling.  We were in our handy dandy tent, happily playing aggravation, when...drip, drip, drip...what is that?  Is that water on our heads?  Drip, drip, drip...now it was on the board - water drops and they were coming faster!  Clay and Laura looked at each other and then up to the top of the tent.  Our handy dandy trusted tent of 14 years has sprung a leak...quickly Clay and Laura got their shoes on, rushed out side, opened the trailer, transferred any remaining tables and chairs that were under the canopy into the trailer.  Then took the canopy and placed it over the tent!!!  Problem solved.  Clay and Laura were soaking wet  but at least the family would be dry through the night - a sacrifice we were willing to pay!  The next day, we thanked the tent for its years of service and then retired it to the closest dumpster.  

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