We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Memorial Day Memories

The Hords came up to Spokane and we had a memorable day at Silverwood!!  What better place to go and make memories on Memorial Day? Share in some smiles, spray each other on bumper boats, conquer rollercoaster fears, drive each other crazy (literally as the kids drove the cars) and have a smashing good time on the bumper boats!  Word to the wise...don't - I repeat DON'T trust Becky on the bumper boats...she is out to get ya...she is ruthless.. she even sprayed the babies!!! WHAT???  Yep! Don't worry...we all ended in smiles - soaking wet smiles but smiling!!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Carrie Underwood LIVE

When we were newly married, Carrie Underwood was on American Idol - and both Clay and Laura remember watching the season and cheering for Carrie. So...when we heard  Carrie Underwood was coming to Spokane,  we just HAD to go to the concert!!!   We had a great time going to a concert together!  We didn't recognize too many of the songs...until they did a "way back, throw back" sequence....oh no - does that mean we are getting old???  ARGHHH.... old or not, we rocked the night away with Carrie Underwood, Runaway June, and Maddie and Tae.  When we bought the tickets we thought we got really good "seats", as it turns out we didn't even get a "seat" we were in the standing pit between the seats and the stage - good, but not quite what we were expecting!!!  I guess it made it that much easier to dance! 

**Holy cow her costume changes were sooo fast.  Laura couldn't believe how quickly she went from one outfit to another.  That is definitely some skills!!  I swear she had like a new outfit for every song...
***One of the singers from Runaway June looked so familiar to Laura...it was driving her crazy...where had she seen her before?  And then it hit her...
 the amazing race!

Mother's Day

Laura felt very loved on Mothers day...breakfast in bed, a nap, and  a relaxing day at home.

Laura loves all the gifts and cards she gets on Mothers day.   She especially loves to hear how old her younger children think she is... 82 years old...not bad!!   

They are all so unique and special. 

I love Detric's bookmark with a picture of HIM on it!!! 

CJ took it upon himself to make Laura a lemon treat.  They were lemon filling in a merigue nest.   They were a unique and delicious treat...thanks CJ! 

Laura's dear friend,Linda Abrams, brought over some yellow tulips...

Girls Night In/ Boys Night Out

Since Clay and Laura just spent 10 days celebrating their anniversary in WA DC and New York...they thought it would be fun to do something special with the kids on their actual anniversary.Since there was already a Father and Sons camp out planned...BINGO - that made the planning easy.  A "girls night in" and a "boys night out" bam.  Everyone was excited about their plans.  Well, rain rain rain happened...and the boys camp out got cancelled... so we had to improvise so we could still have our fun night.    Since the boys camping trip was cancelled, we decided the boys should go and get a hotel for the night.  Aparri was mad that boys got to go out to a hotel  and she had to stay home, but I think in the end - the girls got the better deal.  While the girls had a nice relaxing night at home  - doing facials, nails, and movies. The boys had a hard time finding a hotel room.  What??  A room mid May in Liberty Lake??  Who knows what is going on in the area tonight, but all the hotels were booked!!   The poor boys spent a lot of their evening searching for vacancy..they ended up going to Idaho where they finally got a room and lived it up in the pool and watched movies all night!   After all was said and done, it was a fun night for both groups - those that stayed in and those who went out!!  

Famous Quote of the night: 
  "Let's stay up all night...let's be nocturnal"  said by Aparri 

 **Laura and the girls failed to take any pictures (what??? that is unheard of... but the boys did.  Good job boys - they have been trained well!!! )

Kayaks Voyage Shuffle

We have been itching to use our kayaks since we got them for Christmas in December!!!  So, even though it is only springtime it was a beautiful day for the kayaks maiden voyage. We chose Liberty Lake - since it is close - in case we ran into problems.  Well, we didn't run into "problems" but we did learn that the small yellow kayaks won't hold CJ... he needs an adult size kayak.  Hmm.. 6 foot 14 year old...who knew?  So after we did a little kayak shuffling, We load up!  We ended up having to double up and even triple up on some of the kayaks.  We took a family outing to the middle of the lake.   No one accidentally fell off...every one was smiling at the end... successful maiden voyage!  It was a fun adventure, but before we go out again - I think we might need to buy a few extra kayaks...