We got fresh snow!!! Clay had to work... but Laura and the kids went sledding!!! There wasn't a whole lot of snow, we could still see the grass poking through...but it was enough to get some good runs in!!! Preston is saying we still haven't had a "real" snow yet this year... we will see if we will get it this season or not... we definitely didn't get very much snow this holiday break.
We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Even though the night was quiet and it was just us... we still held strong to our traditions. We did the Nativity and Christmas Jammies.
Christmas Eve
It has become our tradition that we have our big Christmas feast on Christmas Eve. This year was no different, except our table was a little bare. We usually invite a family or two to join us for fun, festivities and food, but this year it just didn't happen. With Clay just getting home mid December, and Laura was exhausted from running the house solo - unfortunately neither of us got around to extending an invitation... and didn't have time to slow down and think about it until Christmas Eve... so we missed the joy of family and friends this year, I think we all felt the loss... but there will always be next year! However, we still ate yummy food and were grateful we were together as a family of 7!!
Christmas Cinnamon Rolls
We made our traditional Christmas Day Cinnamon Rolls. This year we brought them to our Spokane Area 9-1-1 Dispatch Center. We told them thank you for their service and we grateful for everything they do every day to keep us safe!
Daddy Detric Ski Day
For his birthday, Detric got a ski day with Dad all to himself. They had a great time at Look out..sunshine, powder, skiing until they dropped, and McDonalds to finish the day.
Ice Ribbon with Steve
Steve surprised us with a wonderful downtown adventure to the Ice Ribbon! He paid for all of us to skate and have fun going round and round the ice! Some of the kids were fast, some were slow, and some skated on one foot and some on 2, Clay and Laura even got a few laps around together holding hands (while the kids and Steve were distracted with popcorn! ). Ice skating is a family favorite of ours, so we were thrilled when Steve proposed this Christmas Gift! Steve has been such a great friend to us! We love you Steve.
Detrics Special Day
Detric didn't want Mom to make his cake this year. He knew exactly what he wanted... He wanted "an ice cream with a scroll on it. From the ice cream store. The one next to white Elephant." "Ok...an ice cream cake from baskin robbins. " No.. then he would explain it again. "I want a cake from the ice cream store with a scroll on it next to white elephant." He was getting frustrated and we were getting frustrated... So, since baskin robbins is next to White Elephant, so we went there first. There weren't any scroll cakes, but the balloon one looked great too. So we went with that! It looked great and tasted yummy! Everyone wins!
I love how Detric knew exactly what cake he wanted - had seen it, remembered it, and tried to explain that to us! So fun to see his personality really coming out. Happy Birthday Little Man....we love you!

Favorite Christmas Tradition
Making Christmas cards and visiting a local nursing home has become a favorite Christmas tradition for our family. This year we made over 100 homemade cards!! **Even little Erica helped. Laura was so impressed with her snowman (left) she had to take a picture of it...she drew the eyes, hands, and buttons all by herself and without any coaching!! We then went on a Sunday afternoon and spent several hours visiting with the residents and handing out our cards.
Spokane Carousel
Pizza, Santa, presents, and a carousel ride for FREE!!! It was a fun family evening get-a-way. And since downtown was under construction the last few times we went..we were able to reintroduced the kids to "THE GOAT" tonight! This goat is one of our favorite memories of downtown Spokane from when we lived here before. The kids just loved feeding it garbage, leaves, branches, pretty much anything and everything they could find. Well, he did not disappoint tonight...he was a huge hit with the kids!
Happy Birthday Clayboy
A new restaurant called Fujiyama came to Liberty Lake this fall... and We have been dying to try it. It has Clay's name all over it... (when we play a game called Hotels, Clay always buys the Fujiama hotel..and when you land on his space, Clay in his awesome "chinese accent" will say, "Welcome to the Fujiyama...how many nights will you be staying?") and we all laugh. So now, every time we pass this restaurant (which is alot... since it is right down the street), we all hear Clay's voice in our minds saying... "Welcome to the Fujiyama..." So we had to wait until he got home to try it, so we thought his birthday dinner was the perfect night to do it! The food was delicious and everyone was happy...except maybe Erica...the fire made her a little nervous.
So Long...Farewell...
Elder & Sister Smith are heading to the MTC!!! We were stop #1 on Papa and Nana's journey to the MTC. We made turkey cupcakes, tried to go to the falls (but it was closed for the season), opened up Christmas presents, watched the weather (to make sure it was safe to travel, and then had to say goodbye for 18 months.
Pool Party @ BW
Becky and Brayden are going to house sit for Papa and Nana while they are gone on their mission, so they are living in the house...plus with all the packing and sorting that is going on preparing for Tuesday - when Nana and Papa hit the road... we decided to stay at the Best Western in Pasco. We got the room free with points!!! And the kids didn't complain since we had the pool, breakfast, and hot tub to entertain them! It was all fun and games until Detric biffed it right as we were packing up to leave..nice cut and shiner for the man!
Carousel of Dreams
We headed to Pasco so we could hear Papa and Nana speak in their ward before they left on their mission to Las Vega, NV. They introduced us to the Carousel of Dreams - apparently the guy who was in charge of bringing it to Pasco was in radiation with Dad and became a good close friend! So, the carsousel has personal meaning and significance!!! We had fun trying to grab as many rings as possible as we went round and round!
Walk to Bethlehem
We decided to go to the Walk to Bethlehem and Tree Lighting at Pavilion Park with the Terry Family, it's always better with friends, except when the adults get talking... and miss the show... yep. We saw Santa, got cookies and hot cocoa, and we were waiting for the second showing of the nativity, but somehow didn't hear or see the shift change... Shesh...we felt like awful parents...hey kids lets bundle up, walk to the park, freeze to death and miss the performance... well, atleast we got the cookies and hot cocoa, right? Oh, and we got a good picture with the manger! WIN!
Designated Christmas Party Day
2 parties, 2 Santas, 5 ward kids, and 1 tired Mama = our Saturday! The ops group kids Christmas Party and the Valley View Ward Christmas party both fell on the same Saturday. Luckily, one was in the morning and the other one was in the evening so we could make it to both and party the day away!!! We saw Santa, sang songs, got faced painted, ate a yummy dinner, and got lots of gifts from Santa and his Elves. It was a fun busy party sort of day!
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