We are the WARD family. We love to be together and have FUN! This blog is a place where we document our coming, goings, and many crazy adventures in this huge adventure we call LIFE.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Tri Cities Park

We are Pool Silly

We have had a lot of fun enjoying Papa and Nana's pool!  The heat comes on and the pool silliness comes out!!  It's been a great way to release all that extra kid energy.  The younger kids love it and have no reservations about plunging into the deep blue... CJ however, we have to practically force him in, but when he allows himself...he is the silliest of them all and laughing the whole time!

Pool Noodle Experiments

CJ conducted a pool noodle experiment.... He would twist, stuff, twirl, flap, flutter, jump and cannon ball into the pool to test which combination of pool noodles kept him afloat the best.  CJ kept us all entertained with his endless crazy combinations! We love you CJ!

Papa's Shadow

Detric loves his Papa!!!  Detric followed Papa around the whole yard until the whole thing was mowed!  He just wants to be close to him!  It was so sweet to watch this little man following  Papa's footsteps, literally!
*Papa is almost done with radiation!!!
 In May, (May 24), we found out Papa had prostate cancer. He has been in radiation treatments from July 2-September 6.  We haven't been able to see Papa and Nana as much since there has been some unpleasant side effects and pain.  We are all anxious for Papa to be done.   Hang in there Papa... your almost done.  We love you.

Introduced to WeICE

Since Clay was workinge all week, Laura and the kids took off for Tri-Cities!  We decided to go and play with the Grandparents and Becky and Brayden!  While there we enjoyed the pool, the parks, and gettin introduced to "WEice"  You pick an ice cup size and then your flavors - what flavors you choose to mix makes up different combinations...choose one of theirs or one of your own!  It was a fun summer treat!

Millions of Peaches..

Laura taught CJ the fine art of canning!!  Since CJ is currently the main fruit eater in the house, Laura thought he would make a good sous chef.  And he did!  He was awesome!  We bought 2 boxes of peaches and so we canned and canned and canned!  (ok, we actually bought 1 box of nectarines and 1 box of peaches, but you treat them the same!)  But it was fun and very satisfying!  CJ was a great helper - and I'm sure he will be a great eater too!

Swim Lessons for the Littles

Aparri & Detric
Both of these kids are natural fishes and love the water.  It was fun to see them improve over the 2 weeks.  Detric is fearless and loves the water...the tough part was keeping his head out of the water long enough to give him instructions!!   Aparri definitely has some skills, she mastered most of the strokes...and wow look at that 90 degree dive...how does she do that?  

Tree Forts and Chain Saws

It was time to trim up the trees...  and all those loose branches and limbs couldn't just go to waste and thrown in the garbage without being played with... oh no!!!  So the Ward and Northcutt kids went to work making a fort.... 2 forts actually.  One was leaning up on the big tree and the other was free standing!  Quite impressive if I do say so myself!  Everyone  had a great time playing, eating, and socializing in the fort!  

But, unfortunately all good things must come to an end...  and so it was with the tree forts...  The playing ended and the  fighting began... there was debate on who could come in whose fort, whose fort was better , etc.  Well, Clay and Laura had heard enough and took matters into their own hands...quite literally!  Out came the chain saw and down went the forts!   Bye Bye Branches...Bye Bye Forts

YM Encampment

3000 boys and leaders, 16 stakes
from Washington, Idaho, Montana
@camp Sunrise near Diamond Lake
Theme: Called to Serve
Challenge: Memorize D&C section 4
shooting, archery, bucking bull
WA state rock necklace, 
GaGa ball
Spartan Race (CJ)
Crazy Uno
100+ degrees all week
CJ: Monday - Saturday
Clay and Preston(11):Friday/Saturday

Pool Party

Parachute Preston

Preston is at it again... always trying this and that... he sure knows how to keep grey hairs on his mother's head!  Preston spent the afternoon trying to deploy this running parachute out behind him while riding a motorcycle.  Well, he got a few successful deploys and then the parachute started getting caught in the wheel...and that's when Mom x'd the idea.  At least he was wearing a helmet and some protective gear!